Saturday, January 7, 2012

SAS - Business Intelligence - Agitate & Attack Administration Band-aid For Telecom Industry


In the avant-garde Telecommunication with the antagonism ascent up amid the account providers, chump accretion and assimilation is a ample challenge. For the new entrants, accepting the new barter is the accomplished priority, admitting for the incumbents, application the acquirement earning barter is essential.

The telecom companies can admission advantage by creating a predictive clay for anecdotic abeyant agitate candidates and non-revenue earning customers; and can admission acquirement and advantage by targeted advancement and promotional offers which will not alone absorb these barter but additionally catechumen the non-revenue earning barter to acceptable acquirement earning customers.

This commodity highlights the alarm of agitate and attack administration and the acceptance of SAS - Telecommunication Intelligence software (TIS) for the purpose. It additionally includes assorted accomplishing challenges for SAS - TIS in the absolute time scenario.

Churn Management

Customer accretion and assimilation is a cogent claiming in all industries. In the Telecom industry it affects advantage of the aggregation if a chump churns afore the aggregation can acquire aback the advance it incurred in accepting the customer. Therefore, it is actual analytic to analyze the acceptable barter and absorb them.

With the telecom bazaar acceptable added competitive, chargeless the affidavit of the chump abrogation the account of the aggregation is added difficult. In this circumstance, it is alike added difficult to adumbrate the anticipation of the chump to leave in abreast future. It is added arduous to devise a cost-effect allurement to ambition the appropriate chump to argue him to break with the company.

Predictive clay of agitate assay and administration aims at breeding array depicting the anticipation of the barter to agitate out in future. This takes into application altered aspects of customer's susceptibility to churn, including the history of bodies those who accept aerated in the accomplished and body a abstracts archetypal that generates an easy-to-understand advertence numbers (scores) assigned to anniversary customers. These barter are again targeted with incentives to avert their cancellation. In added words, Agitate assay determines the apparent affidavit for a approaching abandoning depending on the accomplished annal which will advice the companies to adapt their offer. For example: if assay reveals that abounding barter accept aerated from a accurate breadth aftermost ages and added assay has articular that there are common alarm drops (disruptions in service) in that barter (or BTS area). It can be assured that due to the abstruse blemish of that accurate exchange, common alarm drops are accomplished which has contributed to the chump annoyance and their affective out of the company. So added abstruse band-aid for that barter can anticipate approaching abeyant churns.

Business Analogue of Agitate Management

Defining agitate is the aboriginal and foremost action in Agitate Administration designing. Altered companies ascertain agitate according to their business experiences.

Churn analogue differs from a Pre-paid to Post-paid scenario.

In pre-paid scenario, a chump can be advised as aerated in the afterward cases:

a) If the chump goes out of arrangement (deactivated)

b) If the chump is an alive non user (ANU)

A chump can be advised as ANU when:

i. the chump has no approachable or admission acceptance for aftermost (X) rolling days

ii. the chump has alone admission acceptance but no out-going acceptance for aftermost (X) rolling canicule iii. If the customer's acceptance is beneath a pre-determined (business decided) bulk for aftermost (X) rolling days.

In post-paid scenario, a chump pays a rental on account basis. So in case of non-usage or lower-usage, the aggregation earns anchored acquirement from every post-paid customer. Therefore, the chump is advised as aerated alone back he/she goes out of arrangement (Deactivated).

Churn Ambit for business analysis

After defining churn, abutting action is anecdotic the actual ambit for the addition of churn. The agitate anticipation or agitate array for alone barter can be generated on the abject of afterward absolute details:

1. Chump demographics Chump demographics accompanying abstracts are acclimated for segmenting the absolute chump abject depending on:

a) Age

b) Sex

c) Income

d) Chump Account Information

e) Subscription activity cycle

2. Billing and Usage:

Billing and acceptance accompanying advice which is acquired from about-face (Call Abstracts Records) is mainly acclimated for apprehension of agitate probability. The afterward capacity are used:

a. Bulk plan

b. Account acceptance arbitrary (Charged alarm count, Charged abstracts volume, Chargeless alarm & Abstracts amount)

c. Account accumulation contribution

d. Bounced payment

e. Managing approach information

f. Recharge approach information

g. Arrangement Product advice ( Voice, Messaging, Data)

3. Abstruse Quality:

Quality of account is a abeyant agitate disciplinarian as alarm drops or inferior account affection increases the chump annoyance and accordingly agitate probability. In case of CDMA, as the chump is deeply accompanying with the handset equipment, the crumbling of handset impacts the anticipation of the chump churn.

The afterward capacity are used:

a. Dropped alarm counts

b. Account quality

c. Accessories age (Handset age in case of CDMA)

4. Arrangement Details: At the end of the arrangement aeon or adroitness period, the anticipation of the chump abrogation the affiliation is high, accordingly it has a aerial appulse in assurance of churn. The afterward capacity are used:

a. Commitment period

b. Calculation of arrangement renewal

c. Current arrangement and end date

5. Event related:

Loyalty arrangement or adherence allowances are key drivers for retention. The Adherence arrangement accompanying abstracts is acclimated for agitate scoring.

Identifying the antecedent systems:

After chief the Agitate parameters, abutting footfall is to analyze the antecedent systems from area the agnate abstracts will be extracted.

For example:

Cusomer capacity from CRM system

Usage & Billing accompanying capacity from Billing system

Technical Affection from Barter & CellSite

Activation capacity from Provisioning system

Data Management

Data administration is the foundation for a business analysis. Actual abstracts should be present in actual place.

Data Administration has three parts:

Extraction: Involves extracting of abstracts from antecedent arrangement and loading to abstracts altering layer

Transformation: Involves validation of the extracted abstracts (eg: Validation for different keys), conception of abutting altitude amid the tables, charwoman of invalid abstracts etc.

Load: Involves loading the abstracts in the Business Intelligence Abstracts Warehouse

Data Clay and Agitate Account generation

Once the accurate abstracts is accessible in the abstracts warehouse, the abstracts clay is performed. It is an accepted process. The affection of the archetypal is accessed and the archetypal which allotment the best business bulk is considered. This archetypal provides after-effects in the anatomy of agitate account of alone barter which can be acclimated for chargeless attack targets.

Using the agitate array for Assimilation Campaigns

The abstracts archetypal generates alone customer's agitate account which ranges from 0 to 1.

0 - Signifies atomic anticipation of the chump to churn

1 - Signifies accomplished anticipation of the chump to churn.

These array are abounding apparatus of assorted parameters, such as

Usage information

Balance information

Recharge information

Decrement (Promotional and Core) information

Handset feature

Network coverage

Quality of service

Customer service/complaints

Price plan sensitivity

Business accommodation needs to be taken to actuate an aerial beginning of the agitate score. The barter aloft this beginning charge to be analyzed added (eg: barter with account 0.7 and above). The top two ambit accidental to the agitate account to be generated on alone chump akin (for barter accepting agitate array greater than the threshold). Depending on these ambit assimilation attack can be agitated out. The ambit can be as follows:

Usage statistics: The acceptance behavior can be acquired from the aggregate of cutback (promo and core), antithesis and recharge information. The chump who has college account in "lesser usage" can be targeted with promotional bulk plan offers to enhance his/her acceptance and catechumen that chump from non-revenue earning to acquirement earning.

Higher Off-net usage: The college account on "off-net usage" signifies that the accurate chump has alleged actual frequently to added networks. A targeted attack can be performed with the bulk plan benign to alarm added networks. A added assay of the alleged off-net numbers can aftereffect in anecdotic frequently alleged off-net numbers which can be targeted by campaigns as a applicant of acquisition.

Handset Features: The handset acclimated by the chump can be old and be defective the avant-garde features. In this case, the anticipation of the chump to change to a newer handset is aerial and there is a ample susceptibility of that chump to move to addition account provider accepting arranged handset offer. A assimilation attack can be targeted (to this accumulation of barter accepting aerial Handset agitate score) with new account action arranged with handset.

Customer Service/Complaints: The college account in Chump service/Complaints signifies that the chump has alleged the chump affliction frequently and anticipation of that chump annoyed with the account is higher. Added assay to the chump alarm alternation capacity can acknowledge the account of frequently calling to chump service. After the beheading of campaigns on the abject of the agitate account and agitate drivers, the attack acknowledgment needs to be captured and fed into the database for assay of abundance of campaigns.

Implementing Agitate Administration Band-aid Accomplishing Steps

The afterward phases are complex in Agitate Administration band-aid implementation:

1. Claim Analysis: In this phase, the business requirements are aggregate and analyzed and business definitions for agitate are decided

2. Band-aid Assessment: In this phase, the business intelligence solutions are adjourned with the aerial akin claim of the implementing company. The achievability assay is done depending on the aerial akin business claim and abstracts availability.

3. Detailed Analysis/Detailed design: In this stage, the business requirements for the Agitate Administration activity are analyzed in abyss for design, development and accessory of the project. An exercise is performed to accept the availability/unavailability of advice appropriate to accomplish the business requirements and abstracts mapping from antecedent system.

4. Abstracts Assay - ETL: In this stage, the abstracts is extracted from the antecedent system, adapted (cleaned/modified for missing fields and abstracts affection is analyzed) and again loaded into Abstracts Barn of the business intelligence tool.

5. Abstracts Modeling: In this stage, the analytic abstracts models are created by statistical methods (eg: Logistic corruption method) on actual abstracts for agitate account anticipation and Analytic Abject tables are busy by data.

6. Reporting: The agitate account (0-1: 0 - agency beneath anticipation of churn, 1 - Maximum anticipation of churn) is generated at anniversary customer/account/subscription akin and agnate address is generated.

7. User Acceptance Assay and Roll-out: On achievement of acknowledged UAT, the software is formed out for the business users.

Implementation Challenges

There are several challenges back a business intelligence band-aid is implemented in a huge calibration of millions of customers.

The above time of the accomplishing is captivated by abstracts management. Abstracts administration utilizes 75% of the absolute accomplishing time. Abstracts Administration includes:

Identification of antecedent systems from area abstracts needs to be extracted:

Due to the captivation of assorted antecedent systems (CRM, Provisioning system, Billing, Mediation systems etc.), it becomes added difficult to analyze the actual antecedent arrangement for assorted abstracts fields. Identification of the actual abstracts antecedent and mapping to DIL fields consumes majority of the accomplishing time. If the abstracts antecedent mapping is wrong, again the consecutive accomplish of accomplishing (modeling, analysis) will additionally be erroneous. Therefore, appropriate affliction needs to be taken during the abstracts acquisition exercise.

Data Quality: Abstracts acquired from the antecedent systems charge to be of aerial affection and absurdity free. The above claiming in implementing a business analytics band-aid is accepting a aerial affection data. Charwoman up of abstracts and bushing the missing fields absorb ample bulk of accomplishing time.

Change management: With the accomplishing of a BI solution, the users charge to change the way they acclimated to conduct agitate anticipation and attack management. Therefore, user ability and user acquaintance needs to be congenital up through able training sessions

To accomplish the Business Intelligence arrangement operational: After the implementation, specific authoritative anatomy for administration the BI operations needs to be planned and the assets charge to be accomplished in the appropriate areas.

SAS in business analytics

SAS is a arch business analytics software and account provider in the business intelligence domain. It has delivered accurate solutions to admission relevant, reliable, constant advice throughout the organizations acceptable them to accomplish the appropriate decisions and accomplish acceptable achievement advance as able-bodied as abate risks.

SAS has an continued adequacy of administration abstracts of ample calibration (with the advice of SAS-SPDS - scalable achievement abstracts server). This accumulated with able programming accent and accomplished graphical interface has differentiated it from the added analytic accoutrement accessible in the market. This makes SAS altogether acceptable for action acceptance area it demands administration of huge abstracts stores.

SAS - Telecommunication Intelligence Band-aid (TIS)

SAS has several industy specific solutions. SAS has packaged their business analytics ability in the anatomy of models, processes, business logic, queries, letters and analytics.

TIS is the telecom industry specific business analytic band-aid which has been congenital specific to telecom industry needs. This band-aid assists the telecom account providers with specific modules, for example:

SAS Attack Administration for Telecommunication

SAS Chump analysis for Telecommunication

SAS Chump assimilation for Telecommunication

SAS Strategic Achievement Administration for Telecommunication

SAS Cross advertise and Up advertise for Telecommunication

SAS Payment accident for Telecommunication

SAS agitate administration and attack administration band-aid includes Segmenting the absolute chump base

Detecting the causes of churn

Scoring the alone chump on the abject of their

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